

​My brothers and sisters in ministry, it was 24 years ago when God dropped a message in my spirit so strong I could not shake it! The title of the message was, “Who’s going to hell” (Rev. 21:8). When I arrived at church that following Sunday I preached it, and oh the souls that were saved that day, it was awesome! I would preach it two to three times a year, and every time it would have a powerful impact on the lives of people.

​I remember preaching the message in Hammond, Louisiana for a funeral, a young man was shot and killed and I preached “Who’s going to hell,” when I gave the altar call, the altar was flooded with people, young and old giving their lives to the Lord. God had spoken to me about this ministry, this ministry is not about beating up on people, this ministry is about preaching and teaching truth in love, because it is love that draws. It is about preaching truth, also to bring salvation to many (John 8:32).

​As you read this letter, allow the Lord to speak to your spirit concerning this message being preached to your congregation. Remember, we are working together to fulfill one purpose and that is for souls to be saved. There are different bodies but one spirit (I Cor. 12:13).

Your Brother & Sister In Christ,
Pastor Charles & Elect Lady Eunice Clay

Pastor Charles & Elect Lady Eunice Clay